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The art of meditation

Is the art of listening 

With your total being

OSHO 5 Days Bardo Meditation Retreat - June 2024



LOCATION: Orange County, CA 




       Early Registration starts Now $695.00 per person

       Registration after May 5th, 2024 $795.00 per person

       Participant required to complete all 5 days course


  • COST INCLUDES: Course fee, Meditations, 3 daily meals, snacks, beverages.

       Supplies additional $25.00 (If applicable)


The payment is non refundable if Cancellation after MAY 30th, 2024



       To Reserve Guaranteed Space Please make Full Payment by May 5th, 2024.  

       Please email for payment methods.

BARDO THODOL “Liberation through Hearing in the Bardo” An Osho Meditation Retreat on the Bardo Teachings.

           Bardo means “in between”, or, “intermediate state”. The Bardo Thodol (“Liberation through the hearing in the Bardo”) is a profound teaching from the Tibetan tradition on how to prepare for a conscious death, and how to guide the consciousness through the many powerful and deep experiences happening in the transition time between death and next life, how to use those experiences to achieve liberation. It’s one of the most precious Dharma from Tibetan Buddhism. Osho calls the Bardo the greatest contribution Tibet has made to the world. This profound meditation retreat is an introduction to the basic principles of the Bardo, the initial dissolution stages of the death process, the Bardo of moment of Death, the Bardo of Dharmata (reality), and the Bardo of Becoming (rebirth). An essential teaching of how to stop the wheel of birth and death.


         “...Death is the crescendo, the highest peak that life can attain. In the moment of death much is possible. If you have been preparing and preparing, meditating and waiting, then at the moment of death enlightenment is very easily possible, because death and enlightenment are similar... ...If you have been preparing, if you have been meditating, and preparation means if you have been making all efforts to use death, to use this abyss of nothingness, rather than being pulled into it, you have been getting ready to jump into it, it makes a lot of difference...”


“I would like to teach you not only how to live, I would also like to teach you how to die.” OSHO


About the Facilitator - Videha

      Osho disciple since 1980. Initiated into the Mevlevi Sufi Order of Konya 

(“The Whirling Dervishes”), Videha integrates the Sufi Path into Osho’s vision and

love. For years as a Zazen meditation practitioner, he has traveled and trained in

Mongolia, China, Central Asia, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Tibet, where he got many

initiations. Leading groups, seminars, camps and meditation retreats all over the

world since 30 years, uniting the path of Love and the path of Meditation.


      Since 2022 he moved to live in the Alps mountains in North Italy, where he created Osho

Mokurai Meditaon Center, an expression of his heart, and the love and devoon for the

Dharma, a place for committed meditators, a place of Remembrance...

“All the work is inspired by Osho teachings, my Master, an endless source of

compassion and wisdom, an inexhaustible mine of countless Dharma teaching treasures”.

Videha's Italy Retreat Center:


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